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Why Choose Le Lycée?

Respect, Integrity, Compassion

In French, the word éducation has a different meaning from its English homonym. L’éducation is a holistic term that refers not only to what a child learns academically, but primarily to the development of a child’s character and morals. It could be more closely translated into English as “upbringing” or “character education.” In France, you can have a PhD. and still be considered as someone “sans éducation,” if you act in a rude, impolite, or self-centered way.

At Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, we challenge our students scholastically, but we go beyond academics to develop responsible, ethical, disciplined, and community-oriented students. Our teachers are dedicated to instilling certain core human values, such as respect for others, fairness, compassion, and self-reliance.

Cultural Diversity

Over 70 countries and territories are represented. 37 languages are spoken. Our community is bursting with cultural diversity!
Together, we celebrate our differences and the rich tapestry they create. Let’s continue to embrace and learn from one another!

Bilingual Advantage

Two career educators, and multi-linguists, Raymond and Esther Kabbaz, founded Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles as a dual language, international school in 1964. The school's founders saw the tremendous advantages of bilingualism. 

This generation of students is growing up in a society that is increasingly bilingual. Introducing a child to a second language early in their childhood has shown to provide long-term benefits , both academically and in life.