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French School Program

This section is designed for the student who is fluent in French by the sixth grade and wishes to pursue the French Baccalaureate, or the French International Baccalaureate (BFI) and/or Capstone as well as to prepare to attend college. This rigorous system was established in the 18th century and is regulated by the French Ministry of Education. Updated programs and teaching directives are published several times a year in the Bulletin officiel de l'Education nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (B.O.) and is used as a teaching reference by all teachers in the French School Program at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles.

At our international French school in Los Angeles, all classes are taught in French with the exception of the English course. The French system is built on a somewhat precise sequence of learning tasks and it becomes less possible to enter the French School Program as the grades advance until it is virtually impossible to enter this program in middle school. This does not prevent students of any background who begin early enough from entering the French School Program. Some of the students who have scored best in the French Baccalaureate and the French International Baccalaureate are those who have come from English speaking households but have been Le Lycée students since early education. As with the International School Program students, Le Lycée tests the French School Program students with American standardized tests yearly as an assurance that the program is relevant to students who are planning to enter American colleges and universities.