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Bourses Scolaires

The Bourse Scolaire is a need-based financial aid program administered by the French government to assist French citizens with educational expenses at accredited French schools outside of France. Families who are registered with the Consulate in Los Angeles and whose children are French citizens, may apply for the bourse if their child is three years of age or older before December 31 of the year for which they are applying.

  • Before submitting your application to the French Consulate , students must first be accepted or enrolled at Le Lycée (the bourse application must be stamped and signed by Le Lycée Business Office)
  • The French government establishes its own criteria for awarding the aid and it is only applicable to the French Section Program (FSP). Bourse recipients are NOT ELIGIBLE for LycéeLA Financial Aid.
  • Results will be communicated by the French Consulate at the end of June for requests made in February and in December for requests made in September.
  • Recipients of French bourse are expected to pay the balance of tuition and fees that are not covered by their award.

You can find more information on the Consulate website.